Find Love After 40

with Renée Suzanne

find love

75. Do you hate online dating?

July 01, 20242 min read


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Have you had a bad experience with online dating or apps?

I have. I used to hate these platforms and intermittently swear them off.

I thought they were full of scammers, weirdos, cheaters and all kinds of awful.

And it’s true. There’s no shortage of these men on the internet, or anywhere else for that matter.

But what’s also true is there are lots of good men on these platforms as well.

And when you know how to find them, these platforms are an absolute gold mine.

Seriously the best thing ever.

The key is that you have to know how to find them and that requires working on your dating skills.

Think about this: you’ve had some relationships in your life. Some were good, others not so much.

You met these men in a variety of ways.

You’ve probably had men you met in real life break your heart, cheat on you, not want anything serious, etc.

These things can happen with anyone regardless of where you meet them.

Consider your last 3 relationships and what happened that made them not work out.

Was he a cheater? Scammer? Didn’t want what you wanted?

Were these things a result of where you met him or how the relationship unfolded?

Did you ask questions or just assume he wanted what you did?

Could you have declined starting a long distance relationship (this is where SO MUCH trouble starts and you can just say no to long distance dating while still dating online)?

More than likely, the same exact thing has happened (or could have) with men you met in person with the exception of long-distance dating which you can just say no to.

I think we tend to be unfairly biased toward online dating because of the sheer numbers involved and the impersonal nature of these platforms.

It’s so easy to scroll through a bunch of thumbnails and judge people based on appearances.

People tend to be lazy, rude and quick to judge because you’re not face to face.

It’s easier to hide behind a screen and you don’t know if anyone is who they say they are.

These are all limitations of online dating, but they are very easy to solve for.

And when you do, you get the undeniable benefits of online dating which are:

The numbers are overwhelmingly in your favor. There are more men than women on these platforms and you can be “meeting” them 24/7. You will “meet” hundreds of guys you never would have met in real life and (in theory) they are all interested in dating you if they reach out to you. All without spending all of your evenings out and about exhausting yourself.

Not a bad deal.

I have a great resource to help you create your very own custom man plan so that you can find a quality man ASAP.

Click here to download it or go to

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