Find Love After 40

with Renée Suzanne

find love

19.  How I stopped being a dating disaster with Bobbi Blum Palmer

May 25, 20231 min read


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Meet one of my fabulous mentors, Bobbi Blum Palmer!

I met her at a workshop I attended when I was in my 40's and trying to figure out how to date.

She is a dating coach and became a first-time bride at age 47.

I'm forever grateful to her for her work and influence in my life.

She teaches her clients how to prioritze what's important in a mate when you're in your 40's and beyond so that you can actually find love instead of making the same mistakes over and over again, which I definitely needed to learn.

We talked about the most common mistakes she sees women make that keep them from finding love, how we unwittingly close our hearts to good men and the special challenges women face when they're dating in their 40's and beyond.

Click here to learn more about Bobbi and her work.

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